Dr. Danielle Watson, D.Div, Th.D
Dr. Danielle T. Watson is a native New Jerseyan; yet was reared in Delaware when her parents followed God’s call. In her formative years, Christ was emerged in her life; however, in January 2005 she accepted God as her personal savior. From that day to present, Pastor Watson serves under the leadership of Overseer Ida M. Lewis at Temple of Deliverance Outreach Ministries, Inc. Dr. Watson has several Kingdom Assignments, currently serving as, The Executive Pastor at Temple of Deliverance & Vice President of Academic Affairs at the School of The Great Commission Bible College & Seminary. Dr. D meets every Wednesday at 6:00 AM and Saturday at 8:00 AM on social media platforms, in which she seeks the Lord on behalf of others through petition, supplication, thanksgiving, worship, praise and spiritual warfare.